Patti's blog

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I hope you were all up and tuned into Fox Good Day L.A . May 19th. Anchor Jillian Barberie says TheBigDay “is a great idea”. Fox news reporter Lucy Sanchez goes into more detail talking to theBigDay customer Margo Black, who praises the registry and the idea of replacing traditional pots and pans as gifts with honeymoon travel. No matter who you are, or how much money you make, your wedding guests are going to buy you wedding gifts. Not only is gift giving traditional, it is a way for them to show their love for you and help you celebrate your wedding, starting your new life together off with something memorable. Why not do as the Blacks did and get signed up for your registry at TheBigDay to have that trip of a lifetime for your honeymoon.

Keep up with TheBigDay’s popularity at the theBigDay in the news.


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